HIFA flagship project 2023
Universal access to reliable healthcare information: a global consultation
Why support the consultation?
Every day, tens of thousands of children and adults die needlessly for want of simple, low-cost interventions – interventions that are often locally available but simply not provided in time. A major contributing factor is that the parent, carer or health worker does not have access to the information they need, when they need it, to take appropriate action.
In 2023 HIFA is working in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) to accelerate progress towards a world where every person and every health worker will have access to the information they need to protect their own health and the health of others.
How we will use your money
From August to December 2023, HIFA is undertaking a global consultation on how to accelerate progress towards universal access to reliable healthcare information. Your donation will be used to directly support this through: a major public online survey, presentations and advocacy at major conferences (IFLA, Cochrane, EBHC2023), in-depth discussions on the HIFA forums, online events, and key informant interviews.
How the consultation will make a difference
This consultation, in solidarity with WHO, is the vital first step in a 10-step collaboration to achieve universal access to reliable healthcare information. The consultation is expected to demonstrate massive public support for universal access, and will provide WHO and partners with valuable input to guide next steps in 2024 and beyond.
We need your support
We need NEW funding to cover the costs of the consultation. Can you help? We invite organisations and individuals to demonstrate your support for universal access to reliable healthcare information.
If you are making a donation on behalf of your organisation, please note we have four levels of sponsorship: bronze (£100), silver (£500), gold (£1000), platinum (£2000). We are delighted to confirm our first sponsors: Elsevier Foundation, National Institute for Health and Care Research, Instituto Antonio Vidal, and eCancer.
You may choose to have your name (or organisation) recognised or remain anonymous. For details, please see our Sponsorship prospectus or contact the HIFA coordinator Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh: neil@hifa.org
Thank you for your support.