Why donate?
Every day thousands of people die because they (or their healthcare providers) are unable to access relevant, reliable healthcare information.
HIFA campaigns for universal access to reliable healthcare information: a world where every person has access to the information they need to protect their own health and the health of others.
The availability and use of reliable healthcare information is dependent on a functional global evidence ecosystem, whereby multiple actors generate, publish, synthesise, package, signpost and apply evidence.
How we will use your money…
Your donation will support HIFA's work to strengthen the global evidence ecosystem:
1. Communication: HIFA brings together more than 20,000 health and information professionals from 180 countries to explore ways to improve the availability and use of reliable healthcare information. Members interact through five global online forums in four languages.
2. Understanding: HIFA supports several projects to better understand information needs and how to meet them, leveraging deep-dive discussions on the HIFA forums. Current projects include mobile health, evidence-informed policymaking, and health worker training. Outputs are presented at conferences and peer-reviewed journals.
3. Advocacy: HIFA has already inspired more than 400 organisations worldwideto commit officially to the goal of universal access to reliable healthcare information. HIFA also lobbies global professional groups, leading to policy commitments from the World Medical Association (2019) and the International Federation of Library Associations (2024).
HIFA and the World Health Organization
HIFA works in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) to strengthen the global evidence ecosystem and thereby improve the availability and use of reliable healthcare information. In 2024 we completed a Global Consultation to inform WHO on next steps. Respondents overwhelmingly called for WHO to explicitly champion the goal of universal access to reliable healthcare information, and for HIFA and WHO to convene stakeholders to develop a global strategy for its realisation. We have now agreed a Collaboration Plan for 2025-2027. HIFA alone is responsible for securing the income needed to implement the Plan.
We need your support…
We invite you to give whatever you can afford. You may choose to have your name (or organisation) recognised on the HIFA website or remain anonymous.
For further information please contact the HIFA coordinator Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh: neil@hifa.org
Together we can build a world where every person and every health worker has access to the information they need to protect their own health and the health of others, and where every person is protected from misinformation.
Thank you for your support.